Research Abstract |
(1) From our studies, it becomes clear that on the articular cartilage especially aging related, findings appear from a relatively early age, compared with other articular tissues. (2) In the cytoplasm of many chondrocytes of old rats, nubecular substances are observed. They lie scattered or come together in small or large masses, and sometimes large parts of the chondrocyte are occupied and filled by such substances, which are considered to be degenerative substances. (3) In aged chondrocytes, cytoplasmic organelles decrease or disappear, cytoplasmic density goes down, and sometimes many microtubules are well observed. Further consideration is needed as to whether these microtubules increase as one of the aging phenomena or they exist from the beginning as cell skeletons which simply become more visible as a result of aging changes in the cell. (4) In the extracellular matrix, granular and dot-like substances are scattered, and some such substances are enveloped by a membrane, like a
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lisosome. These outside substances may be considered to be cell debris originated from other destroyed cells and to work enzymatically to damage the intercellular matrix. (5) In the chondrocytes of osteoarthritic cartilage, many and various cell-inclusions, considered to show metabolic abnormality, appear, increase and occupy large parts of the cytoplasm. The appearance of lipid droplets is notable, and in high degrees of degeneration, their size and number increase. Many intracytoplasmic fine flaments lie scattered in a bundle. Lighter stained, degenerated glycogen granules come together in large masses. (6) In highly degenerated or destroyed cytoplasm, small or large masses of nubecular substances, considered to be degenerative substances, occupy large parts of the cytoplasm. This finding resembles that observed in old rats. (7) Many mitochondria show deformity and some of them are destroyed. It is an interesting finding that myeloid bodies with a lamellar structure are often observed in the cytoplasm and seem to be associated with the mitochondria. Its existence suggests cytoplasmic degeneration. (8) Deformed chondrocytes, whose interiors are fibroblast-like, are also observed, surrounded by a lot of bundled collagen fibrils. It may suggest repair of the cartilage. (9) The punched wound, which reached to the subchondral bone, is ffilled from the bottom. Fibrous connective tissue grows to mature by and by, and expands around and over the wound. (10) These findings suggest that the repair of hyaline cartilage will be made by the granulation and fibrous cartilage from subchondral bone itself. itself. Less