We will image and characterize giant planets in the inner parts of nearby planetary systems with the 8.2m Subaru Telescope. The observations will focus on inner planets to understand the architecture and evolution of planetary systems and their suitability to host habitable planets.
The main technical components of the instruments have been completed. The development of the photonic chip circuit has been completed, with delivery of the chip to Subaru Telescope. The chip circuit includes both the nulling (canceling starlight) and wavefront measurement functions. The new 3000-actuator deformable mirror (DM) was delivered. Repair by the vendor was necessary due to an actuator defect. The defect was successfully fixed, and we have verified performance is good. The Adaptive Optics system upgrade design has been completed, including 3000-actuator DM, new visible light wavefront sensor, new calibration source. Components have been fabricated and tested in the laboratory and system installation at the telescope is ongoing.We have started on-sky observations of exoplanets identified by astrometric acceleration, and have identified promising candidates we are following up as part of our ongoing survey. Our observations are targeting stars with sign of astrometric acceleration which indicates that there may be a companion. We are using the current extreme AO system and coronagraph to observe these stars to confirm planets.We have also started to develop PSF calibration algorithm to accurately predict residual starlight in the science data. Results indicate we can gain a factor 10x in contrast.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We have started survey observations and are upgrading the instrument with the new adaptive optics (deformable mirror and wavefront sensor) and photonic nulling chip to augment performance. The photonic chip development has been completed successfully.The main technical issue has been delay due to deformable mirror (DM) issue. This issue has now been fully resolved and we have mitigated delay by preparing for a quicker installation of the DM at the telescope. The DM is being installed in may 2024.We are starting to obtain science results with identification of promising planet candidates from our ongoing survey. We are initially focusing on more distant orbits and will probe planets at smaller orbits as the instrument at the telescope is being upgraded.
We will be continuing our ongoing survey of exoplanets at the Subaru Telescope. We have several planet candidates we have identified that we will follow for confirmation. Thanks to both imaging data (taken by our system) and astrometric data (taken by the Gaia space mission), we will be able to confirm the orbit and mass of the exoplanets.In the next few months we will complete the instrument upgrade at the telescope.The first stage correction adaptive optics (AO) system will be upgraded from its current 188-element to 3000-element system including both visible and near-IR wavefront sensing. This AO upgrade will be completed in summer 2024. The photonic chip will be installed on the instrument in summer 2024.Starting in fall 2024, we will use this new upgrades to probe planets in closer orbits.
A: 研究領域の設定目的に照らして、期待どおりの進展が認められる
すべて 2024 2023 2022 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (30件) (うち国際共著 29件、 査読あり 21件、 オープンアクセス 11件) 学会発表 (13件) (うち国際学会 9件) 備考 (1件)
The Astronomical Journal
巻: 167 号: 3 ページ: 105-105
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
巻: psae020 号: 3 ページ: 1-40
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
巻: 40 号: 12 ページ: 3196-3196
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
巻: 959 号: 2 ページ: L34-L34
Astronomy & Astrophysics
巻: 680 ページ: A6-A6
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
巻: 135 号: 1053 ページ: 114501-114501
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems
巻: 9 号: 04 ページ: 048005-048005
Astronomy and Astrophysics
巻: 677 ページ: A84-A84
The Astrophysical Journal
巻: 951 号: 2 ページ: 89-89
巻: 673 ページ: A29-A29
巻: 673 ページ: A28-A28
巻: 380 号: 6641 ページ: 198-203
巻: 9 号: 02 ページ: 028005-028005
巻: 9 号: 02 ページ: 028004-028004
巻: 9 号: 02 ページ: 025003-025003
Proceedings of the SPIE
巻: 12680 ページ: 93-93
巻: 12680 ページ: 29-29
巻: 12680 ページ: 21-21
巻: 12680 ページ: 18-18
巻: 12680 ページ: 17-17
Proceeding of SPIE
巻: 12680 ページ: 14-14
巻: 12680 ページ: 12-12
巻: 166 号: 2 ページ: 41-41
Nature Astronomy
巻: 6 号: 6 ページ: 751-759
SPIE Proceedings
巻: 12185 ページ: 13-13
巻: 12185 ページ: 1218533-1218533
巻: 164 号: 5 ページ: 186-186
巻: 164 号: 4 ページ: 152-152
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
巻: 258 号: 2 ページ: 31-31
Astronomy & Astrophysics
巻: 659 ページ: A170-A170