[文献書誌] T.Yoshimoto,K.Bessho,S.Yamada: "Three Dimansional Flow of Eddy Currents in Flux Concentration Aparatus" 第7回数値電磁界解析国際会議(CONPUMAG-TOKYO)平成元年9月4日〜6日,東京.
[文献書誌] K.Bessho,S.Yamada,M.Furuta,M.Hayashigishi: "Characteristics and Application of a New Multilayer Coil with Core for AC High Magnetic Field" Proc.of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering(ISEF'89)Sept.20〜22,1989,Poland.
[文献書誌] K.Bessho,S.Yamada,M.Hayashigishi,M.Furuta: "Characteristics and Application of a New Laminated Coil with Core for AC High Magnetic Field" Proc.of Soft Magnetic Materials 9(SMM9) Sept.27〜29,1989,Spain.
[文献書誌] K.Bessho: "The High Magnetic Field Generators Based on Eddy Current Effects" 高磁場生成技術とその材料及び生体系への応用国際シンポジウム(ISEM-KANAZAWA)平成2年1月9日〜11日,金沢.
[文献書誌] K.Bessho,A.Krawczyk: "The Analysis of Eddy Current in Special Devices" 35,Internationals Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Oct.22〜26,1990,DDR.