[文献書誌] 唐沢かおり: "有利な立場の人が不利な立場の人に努力を求めるとき・援助するとき:不公平さ認知と原因帰属の役割について"社会心理学研究. 18. 119-126 (2003)
[文献書誌] Karasawa K., Hatta, T., Gushiken, N., Hasegawa, J.: "Depression among Japanese informal caregivers for elderly people"Psychology, Health & Medicine. 8. 371-376 (2003)
[文献書誌] Toyosawa, J., Karasawa, K., Mitani, N.: "Determinants of cooperative attitude to prevent an environmental disorder : An examination in the simulated society game"Proceedings of the 34^<th> Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. 109-118 (2003)
[文献書誌] Takehashi, H., Yamaoka, H., Karasawa, K.: "The effect of resource and the identification with the super-ordinate group on cooperative behavior"Proceedings of the 34^<th> Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. 181-190 (2003)
[文献書誌] Mitani, N., Karasawa, K., Toyosawa, J.: "The effects of guilt on intergroup relationship : An examination in a simulated society game"Proceedings of the 34^<th> Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. 423-432 (2003)
[文献書誌] Yamaoka, H., Takehashi, H., Karasawa, K.: "The formation and change of national identities in simulation game"Proceedings of the 34^<th> Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. 677-685 (2003)