研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 一橋大学 |
研究代表者 |
EDMAN Jesper 一橋大学, 大学院商学研究科, 准教授(契約職員) (20615976)
研究期間 (年度) |
2015-04-01 – 2020-03-31
キーワード | Diversity / Companies / Work-life balance / Female managers / Womenomics |
研究実績の概要 |
Japanese companies use different logics to integrate women. Some companies seek to promote women with a family logic, changing their work-style to make it more family-friendly. Other companies seek to retain women by emphasizing a market logic, i.e. making the point that women are just as good as men and needed, hence they should be supported and be allowed to work the same types of jobs and hours. Women seem to select companies based on these traits, i.e. women with different preferences go to companies with different logics.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Overall the progress has been smooth. I have gather multiple data sets on Japanese companies and have also done interviews at 6 different companies, including both Japanese and foreign. In total I have done 60 interviews among women and foreigners working in companies. My aim is to conduct another 20 to 30, at different companies.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The coming year will be spent on analysis and further developing working papers. I will be presenting the results of the work at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting in Kyoto in June, 2018.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Travel and article costs were somewhat higher than expected this year. For next year the funds will be used to purchase office equipment and material.