研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 信州大学 |
研究代表者 |
PATAKY TODD 信州大学, 学術研究院繊維学系, 准教授 (70571272)
研究期間 (年度) |
2015-04-01 – 2017-03-31
キーワード | バイオメカニクス / ゴルフ・パッティング / 環境的ランダム生 / トレーニング科学 |
研究実績の概要 |
I have been making good progress on this project, and first year has focussed mainly on software and methodological development. The main software interface is complete, including the proposed randomness training game with an integrated physics engine with self-integrated randomness. I also conducted a variety of pilot studies to test the software on real subjects and to ensure that experimental kinematics measurements will go smoothly. Based on those pilot results I had two abstracts (listed below) accepted for presentation at international conferences. A journal paper is in-progress.
(1) Pataky TC, Lamb PF (2016.07) “Development of a virtual random-physics putting training system”. Accepted for presentation at the 7th World Scientific Congress of Golf in St. Andrews, Scotland.
(2) Pataky TC, Lafortune M (2015.07.09) Effects of footwear on driver clubhead speed in amateur golfers: Classical vs. Bayesian inference. Presented at the 12th Footwear Biomechanics Symposium, Liverpool, UK. This paper emphasizes the complexities of randomness in golf kinematics and its experimental and data analysis methods are now being applied to the proposed research.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Game development has proceeded smoothly and on-time. Pilot experiments involving the game have gone smoothly. Pilot experiments involving putting kinematics have taken longer than expected because (a) putter kinematics measurement has been difficult, and (b) ball trajectory measurement is still in development. In attempts to accelerate kinematics experiments I have assigned two graduate students to the project. Additionally, due to somewhat lower funds than expected I was unable to purchase the 3D scanner. Instead I decided to (a) generate a computational interface for randomly generating a variety of realistic but fictional greens, and (b) purchased an artificial green for my laboratory and have focussed on in-lab kinematics measurements.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I intend to follow the proposed plan by conducting the proposed randomness-training experiment. First I will work with the graduate students to conduct pilot experiments to ensure that we can accurately measure putter and ball kinematics.
We will then recruit subjects and conduct the proposed “baseline” experiment to ascertain subjects’ existing kinematics and putting performance. We will then train subjects using the virtual random-physics training system that I developed with co-investigator Lamb in Year 1 of this project.
Last we will re-test all subjects’ kinematics and putting performances and ascertain whether randomness in virtual training had a positive effect on real putting performance.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
FY27 expenses were less than expected because the total funding amount for FY27 was insufficient for purchasing the originally planned 3D laser scanning system. I therefore needed to adjust the FY27 plan to focus on indoor experimentation on an artificial putting green. The related expenses to get indoor experimentation up and running were less than the total budget planned for FY27, so I pushed the excess funds to FY28.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
The second fiscal year's budget will be used for additional camera equipment for putting kinematics measurements, including video cameras to record golf ball positions and trajectories. It will also be used for travel expenses to attend the 7th World Scientific Congress of Golf in St. Andrews, Scotland, an international conference at which I will present this work. Any remaining funds will be spent on (a) miscellaneous experimental equipment including laser triggers for ball and putter kinematics measurement and (b) open-access papers.
備考 |