研究実績の概要 |
This year following issues with international collaborators (health issues and fieldwork constraints), the focus for fieldwork has been shifted domestically towards deeper areas of the reef. However, recruit data at shallow and mesophotic depths and DNA information on corals from shallow to deep could still be obtained through the international collaboration of this project. As planned in the initial proposal, the results of this project have been presented at the INTECOL2022 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Japan Coral Reef Conference in Ishigaki, Japan, and at the Gordon conference on Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Los Angeles, USA. In terms of publications, two papers (in Scientific Reports and Marine Pollution Bulletin) reporting on some results of this project have been published.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In 2023, the final data will be obtained and analysed. Next year (2023), the main objective will be to conduct a final workshop in Indonesia in the second semester of 2023 to summarize the results obtained so far and coordinate future work together. A publication is expected on the coral biodiversity deeper parts of the reefs as well as on thermal thresholds of mesophotic corals.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
The workshop planned in Indonesia in 2022 could not be conducted and will be conducted in 2023. In addition, the delays in obtaining fieldwork data from abroad, delayed the molecular work. Therefore, this coming fiscal year will require the budget to obtain the final DNA sequences for this project as well as publication costs for the last publications.