研究実績の概要 |
During this fiscal year (the last of this kaken project on modern war memory discourses) I laid the groundwork for my newest kaken project, which officially began in April 2018, titled "Hibakusha Lives and Collective Memory Communities in the 21st Century"(基盤調査(C)18K00908). My main activities during this year have been continuing my hibakusha and atomic bomb memorial fieldwork begun in 2016 in Honshu and Kyushu (mainly Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, and Kanagawa Prefecture) to interview individual hibakusha, visit atomic bomb related memorials/sites of memory, and to observe hibakusha community memorial ceremonies. I would like to reiterate that I consider the work I have done in 「戦後言説空間として敗北側における戦争解釈と追悼の国際比較研究(24520726(基盤研究(C))to be the first half of a long-term project that will be completed in totality with the conclusion of my research in "Hibakusha Lives and Collective Memory Communities in the 21st Century"(基盤調査(C)18K00908).