[文献書誌] Tetsuro Endo: "Homoclinic Orbits,Fractal Basin Boundaries and Bifurcations of Phase-Locked Loops" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
[文献書誌] Tohru Ikeguchi: "An Analysis on Lyapunov Spectrum of Electroencephalographic(EEG)Potentials" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
[文献書誌] Tetsuro Endo: "Phase-locked Loops Can Be Chaotic" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
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[文献書誌] Shinichi Oishi: "Chaos as a challenging Area in Engineering Science" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
[文献書誌] Tetsuro Endo: "Chaos in Electrical and Electronic Circuits" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
[文献書誌] Tohru Kohba: "Chaos in Discrete Systems and diagnosis of Chaos" Transactions of the IEICE. E73. (1990)
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[文献書誌] Kazuo Horiuchi: "Mathematical Foundation of the Fail-Safe Principle in Wide Sense" Transactions of the IEICE. E72. 479-484 (1989)
[文献書誌] Mitsunori Makino: "A Homotopy Method for Numerically Solving Infinite Dimensional Convex Optimization Problems" Transactions of the IEICE. E72. 1307-1316 (1989)
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