2020 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | The University of Tokyo |
Principal Investigator |
井上 純一郎 東京大学, 医科学研究所, 特任研究員
Project Period (FY) |
2016 – 2021
Keywords | モデル動物作製 / ゲノム編集 / 病理形態解析 / 生理機能解析 / 分子探索・プロファイリング |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
①総括支援活動 : 若手技術講習会を9月11日にオンラインにて開催した。108名の参加者があり、活発な討論が行われた。成果発表会は2月2日にハイブリッド形式で開催し、被支援者による研究成果の紹介を中心に行われ252名の参加者があった。支援拠点の研究者と被支援者が分担で執筆した本支援活動を紹介する「マウス・ラットモデル作製・解析プロフェッショナル」を出版した。 ②モデル動物作製支援活動 : 前・後期2回の公募で申請のあった計116件について一次・二次審査を行い、学術的に優れた83件の申請を採択した。それぞれの採択者と個別に協議し、最適な遺伝子改変技術を用いて、遺伝子改変マウスおよびラットを迅速に作製し、研究リソースとして提供した。 ③病理形態解析支援活動 : 55件の申請を受け、3回の審査の結果、35件に関して病理形態解析を実施した。研究の方向性を裏付ける多くの成果が得られた。論文の図の作成など、論文が受理されるまで支援を実施した。 ④生理機能解析支援活動 : 行動学的解析では26件、薬理学的解析では16件、光技術による操作解析では9件、多機能電極・計測データ解析では13件の申請について支援し、コロナ禍にもかかわらず、4つの支援の全てで、昨年度よりも支援数を増やした。支援は、動物モデルにおける病態・生理学的基盤の解明推進などに寄与し、Nat Commun誌、iScience誌などに成果が発表された。 ⑤分子プロファイリング支援活動 : 化合物の分子プロファイリング48件、阻害剤キット配付18件、RNA干渉キット配付・siRNAデザイン合成5件、shRNAライブラリー探索2件、分子間相互作用解析1件(計74件、支援提供回数として505回)に加え、高次情報解析、動物実験に向けた技術相談を行った。被支援者と全班員の意見交換を目的としたユーザー会議を開催した。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
①総括支援活動 : 今年度はコロナ禍にもかかわらず、若手技術講習会をオンライン開催で、成果発表会をハイブリッド開催で実施することができ、反響も大きかった。また、広報活動の一層の充実を目的として、支援拠点のメンバーによる出版企画を実施することができた。 ②モデル動物作製支援活動 : 研究実施計画に沿った支援を行うことができている。コロナ禍にあっても、リモート会議を活用した綿密な打ち合わせを実施した。また、最新技術を導入するとともに、支援拠点で開発されたリソースおよび技術を活用し、効率的な遺伝子改変を行った。さらに、動物受け入れが困難な施設については、支援拠点で凍結胚を作製し、一時保管を行った。 ③病理形態解析支援活動 : 申請数は増加しており、事前相談や再審査によりできるだけ多く若手研究者の支援を行うよう努力している。現在の予算ならびに班員のエフォートにおいてできる最大限の支援活動を実施しており、成果は確実に上がっている。今年度は、支援結果の議論にウェブ会議も使用した。 ④生理機能解析支援活動 : 支援対象者のモデルマウスを対象にした「網羅的行動テストバッテリー」を用いた行動解析支援を26件、依存性薬物等の感受性に関連する行動解析および規制薬物作用ゲノム関連解析支援を16件、進展著しい光遺伝学に関する最新技術を活用した研究支援を9件、多機能集積化電極による最先端の技術提供を行う多元的生理機能計測操作支援を13件で実施した。 ⑤分子プロファイリング支援活動 : コロナ禍の影響が危ぶまれたが、被支援者との事前打ち合わせや日程の弾力的調整により、円滑な支援体制を維持することができた。本年度は被支援者の研究室の若手も含めた技術指導、動物実験・論文構想・特許出願などに関する助言を強化し、多くの案件が共同研究に進展した。寄託化合物ライブラリー支援により、被支援者間の異分野共同研究斡旋にも成果があった。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
①総括支援活動 : WEBを利用した講習会や発表会の内容の向上を図る。特にディスカッションが一層推進されることを目指す。広報活動として、「マウス・ラットモデル作製・解析プロフェッショナル」の紹介に力をいれ、若手研究者に本支援活動をより理解してもらうよう努める。 ②モデル動物作製支援活動 : 先端的な遺伝子改変技術の導入および開発とともに、支援拠点が持つ独自のリソース活用することにより、科研費により進められる学術研究を支援する。学術的な価値や成功時の波及効果の高い支援課題については、より高度なリソースの開発・提供を行う。作製された遺伝子改変動物は、公共リソースバンクに供出し、学術基盤としての研究リソースの整備を推進する。 ③病理形態解析支援活動 : 現在、予算ならびに班員のエフォートに関して限界に近い状態となっている。今後は審査をより厳格に行うが、少額研究費の若手の申請に特に対応したいと考えている。基本姿勢が、一旦開始した病理形態支援は論文が受理されるまでサポートするという方針に変化はない。 ④生理機能解析支援活動 : 5つの拠点への支援申請が何れも安定して多数であるとともに増加していることから、引き続きニーズに応えられるように拠点における技術力を維持・向上させ、公正に支援課題を選考し、支援実施体制をハイレベルに保つ。また、技術支援にとどまらず、支援該当部の論文分担執筆を積極的に進め、成果の公表にも貢献する。 ⑤分子プロファイリング支援活動 : 前年度に引き続き、被支援者の要望に応じた解析条件のカスタマイズ対応・支援実施後のフォロー(科学的助言・技術指導、高次支援の勧奨)に努めるとともに、定例班会議とユーザーミーティングで課題を共有し、効果的な共同研究の提案・斡旋を行う。モデル動物研究の起点的役割を担う当班の6年間の実績を俯瞰し、次代の生命科学を牽引する新しい支援の枠組みを提案する。
[Journal Article] Arf1 and Arf6 Synergistically Maintain Survival of T Cells during Activation2021
M. Sumiyoshi, Y. Kotani, Y. Ikuta, K. Suzue, M. Ozawa, T. Katakai, T. Yamada, T. Abe, K. Bando, S. Koyasu, Y. Kanaho, T. Watanabe and S. Matsuda
Journal Title
The Journal of Immunology
Volume: 206
Pages: 366-375
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Association of urinary free cortisol with bone formation in patients with mild autonomous cortisol secretion.2021
Ishida A, Igarashi K, Ruike Y, Ishiwata K, Naito K, Kono S, Deguchi H, Fujimoto M, Shiga A, Suzuki S, Yoshida T, Tanaka T, Tatsuno I, Yokote K, Koide H.
Journal Title
Cl in Endocrinol (Oxf).
Volume: 94
Pages: 544-550
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Canonical versus non-canonical transsynaptic signaling of neuroligin 3 tunes development of sociality in mice2021
Yoshida T, Yamagata A, Imai A, Kim J, Izumi H, Maenaka K, Shimada T, Fukata M, Nishijo H, Takao K, Okabe S, Tabuchi K, Mishina M, Mori H, Fukai S.
Journal Title
Nature Communications
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages: 1848
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Chondroitin Sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 Impacts Foam Cell Formation and Atherosclerosis by Altering Macrophage Glycosaminoglycan Chain2021
Adhikara IM, Yagi K, Mayasari DS, Suzuki Y, Ikeda K, Ryanto GRT, Sasaki N, Rikitake Y, Nadanaka S, Kitagawa H, Miyata O, Igarashi M, Hirata K, Emoto N
Journal Title
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
Volume: 41
Issue: 3
Pages: 1076-1091
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Design and synthesis of 14 and 15-membered macrocyclic scaffolds exhibiting inhibitory activities of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α.2021
Shimizu T, Takahashi N, Huber VJ, Asawa Y, Ueda H, Yoshimori A, Muramatsu Y, Seimiya H, Kouji H, Nakamura H, Oguri H.
Journal Title
Bioorg Med Chem.
Volume: 30
Pages: 115949
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Distinct effects of chondroitin sulfate on hematopoietic cells and the stromal microenvironment in bone marrow hematopoiesis.2021
Katagiri T, Ushiki T, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Oshima M, Mikami T, Kawasaki A, Ishiguro H, Tanaka T, Sone H, Kitagawa H, Igarashi M, Iwama A, Masuko M
Journal Title
Exp Hematol
Volume: 96
Pages: 52-62
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Dysfunction of the proteoglycan Tsukushi causes hydrocephalus through altered neurogenesis in the subventricular zone in mice.2021
Ito, N., Riyadh, M., Ahmad, S., Hattori, S., Miyakawa, T. and Ohta, K., et al.
Journal Title
Science Translational Medicine
Volume: 13
Issue: 587
Pages: eaay7896
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] GLI3 is associated with neuronal differentiation in SHH-activated and WNT-activated medulloblastoma2021
Natsumeda M, Miyahara H, Yoshimura J, Okada M, Hirato J, Wataya T, Tateishi K, Rodriguez FJ, Suva ML, Taylor MD, Eberhart CG, Fujii Y, Kakita A
Journal Title
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Volume: 80
Issue: 2
Pages: 129-136
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Global knockdown of glutamate decarboxylase 67 elicits emotional abnormality in mice.2021
Miyata S, Kakizaki T, Fujihara K, Obinata H, Hirano T, Nakai J, Tanaka M, Itohara S, Watanabe M, Tanaka KF, Abe M, Sakimura K, Yanagawa Y.
Journal Title
Mol Brain.
Volume: 14
Pages: 5
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Lamellarin 14, a derivative of marine alkaloids, inhibits the T790M/C797S mutant epidermal growth factor receptor2021
Nishiya N, Oku Y, Ishikawa C, Fukuda T, Dan S, Mashima T, Ushijima M, Matsuura M, Tomida A, Seimiya H, Yamori T, Iwao M, Uehara Y, et al.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] MEK inhibition preferentially suppresses anchorage-independent growth in osteosarcoma cells and decreases tumors in vivo2021
T Shimizu, K Kimura, E Sugihara, S Yamaguchi - Iwai, H Nobusue, O Sampetrean, Y Otsuki, Y Fukuchi, K Saitoh, K Kato, T Soga, A Muto, H Saya
Journal Title
Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Mice with a cleavage-resistant N-cadherin exhibit synapse anomaly in the hippocampus and outperformance in spatial memory tasks2021
Asada-Utsugi M, Uemura K, Noda Y, 他8名, Takahashi R, Hattori S, Miyakawa T, Ageta-Ishihara N, Kobayashi K, Kinoshita M, Kinoshita A.
Journal Title
Molecular Brain
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 23
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Nutritional intervention for cancer sarcopenia.2021
Mori T, Kido A, Kawahara I, Nukaga S, Miyagawa Y, Goto K, Mori S, Kishi S, Fujii K, Fujiwara-Tani R, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Ann Muscloskeletal Med
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 001-004
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Phosphorylation of GAP-43 T172 is a molecular marker of growing axons in a wide range of mammals including primates.2021
Okada M, Kawagoe Y, Sato Y, Nozumi M, Ishikawa Y, Tamada A, Yamazaki H, Sekino Y, Kanemura Y, Shinmyo Y, Kawasaki H, Kaneko N, Sawamoto K, Fujii Y, Igarashi M
Journal Title
Mol Brain
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 66
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] (S)-erypoegin K, an isoflavone isolated from Erythrina poeppigiana, is a novel inhibitor of topoisomerase Ⅱα : Induction of G2 phase arrest in human gastric cancer cells2021
K. Hikita, Y. Yamakage, H. Okunaga, Y. Motoyama, H. Matsuyama, K. Matsuoka, T. Murata, T. Nakayoshi, A. Oda, K. Kato, H. Tanaka, N. Asao, S. Dan and N. Kaneda
Journal Title
Bioorg. Med. Chem.
Volume: 30
Pages: 115904
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Stomatin-mediated inhibition of the Akt signaling axis suppresses tumor growth.2021
Rahman NIA, Sato A, Tsevelnorov K, Shimizu A, Komeno M, Ahmat Amin MKB, Molla MR, Soh JEC, Nguyen LKC, Wada A, Kawauchi A, Ogita H.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Total Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Oscillatoxin D, E, and F2021
Yusuke Araki, Yusuke Hanaki, Masaki Kita, Koutaro Hayakawa, Kazuhiro Irie, Yoshihiko Nokura, Atsuo Nakazaki, and Toshio Nishikawa
Journal Title
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Transnasal transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia to the brain of immunocompetent mice.2021
Parajuli B, Saito H, Shinozaki Y, Shigetomi E, Miwa H, Yoneda S, Tanimura M, Omachi S, Asaki T, Takahashi K, Fujita M, Nakashima K, Koizumi S
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Role of Platelet C-Type Lectin-Like Receptor 2 in Promoting Lung Metastasis in Osteosarcoma.2020
Ichikawa J, Ando T, Kawasaki T, Sasaki T, Shirai T, Tsukiji N, Kimura Y, Aoki K, Hayakawa K, Suzuki-Inoue K, Saitoh M, Haro H.
Journal Title
J Bone Miner Res
Volume: 35
Issue: 9
Pages: 1738-1750.
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] A FLCN-TFE3 Feedback Loop Prevents Excessive Glycogenesis and Phagocyte Activation by Regulating Lysosome Activity2020
M. Endoh, M. Baba, T. Endoh, A. Hirayama, A. Nakamura-Ishizu, T. Umemoto, M. Hashimoto, K. Nagashima, T. Soga, M. Lang, L. S. Schmidt, W. M. Linehan, T. Suda
Journal Title
Cell Reports
Volume: 30
Pages: 1823-1834
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Amyloidogenic processing of amyloid β protein precursor (APP) is enhanced in the brains of alcadein α-deficient mice.2020
Gotoh N, Saito Y, Hata S, Saito H, Ojima D, Murayama C, Shigeta M, Abe T, Konno D, Matsuzaki F, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T
Journal Title
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Volume: 295
Pages: 9650-9662
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Anti-stem cell property of pterostilbene in gastrointestinal cancer cells.2020
Mori S, Kishi S, Honoki K, Fujiwara-Tani R, Moriguchi T, Sasaki T, Fujii K, Tsukamoto S, Fujii H, Kido A, Tanaka Y, Luo Y, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 21
Pages: 9347
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for a neuroprotective role of aquaporin-4 in the 5xFAD transgenic mice model2020
Abe Y, Ikegawa N, Yoshida K, Muramatsu K, Hattori S, Murakami M, Tanaka T, Goda W, Hashimoto T, Miyakawa T, Iwatsubo T, Hata J, Niikura T, Yasui M, et al.
Journal Title
Acta Neuropathol. Commun.
Volume: 8
Pages: 67
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Blood and lymphatic systems are segregated by the FLCN tumor suppressor2020
Tai-Nagara I, Hasumi Y, Kusumoto D, Hasumi H, Okabe K, Ando T, Matsuzaki F, Itoh F, Saya H, Hirashima M, Suzuki Y, Furuya M, Baba M, Kubota Y
Journal Title
Nature Communications volume
Volume: 11
Pages: 6314
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Cardiomyocyte Sirt (Sirt7)7 ameliorates stress-induced cardiac hypertrophy by interacting with and deacetylating GATA42020
Yamamura S, Izumiya Y, Araki S, Nakagata N, Bober E, Braun T, Sakamoto K, Kaikita K, Morimoto T, Yamagata K, Tsujita K
Journal Title
Volume: 75
Pages: 98-108
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Combi-CRISPR : combination of NHEJ and HDR provides efficient and precise plasmid-based knock-ins in mice and rats2020
Yoshimi K, Oka Y, Miyasaka Y, Kotani Y, Yasumura M, Uno Y, Hattori K, Tanigawa A, Sato M, Oya M, Nakamura K, Matsushita N, Kobayashi K, Mashimo T
Journal Title
Human Genetics
Volume: 140
Issue: 2
Pages: 277-287
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Combined administration of medium-chain fatty chain and glucose improved cancer-derived cardiac atrophy in a mouse cachexia model.2020
Nukaga S, Mori T, Miyagawa Y, Fujiwara-Tani R, Sasaki T, Fujii K, Mori S, Goto K, Kishi S, Nakashima C, Ohmori H, Kawahara I, Luo Y, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Cancer Sci
Volume: 111
Pages: 4605-4615
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] CRISPR/Cas9-engineered Gadl elimination in rats leads to complex behavioral changes : implications for schizophrenia.2020
Fujihara K, Yamada K, Ichitani Y, Kakizaki T, Suto T, Watanabe M, Kajita Y, Ohshiro T, Mushiake H, Miyasaka Y, Mashimo T, Yasuda H, Yanagawa Y.
Journal Title
Transl Psychiatry.
Volume: 10
Pages: 426
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Diabetes mellitus is associated with liver metastasis of colorectal cancer2020
Fujiwara-Tani R, Sasaki T, Fujii K, Luo Y, Kishi S, Mori S, Matsushima-Otsuka S, Nishiguchi Y, Mori T, Nukaga S, Goto K, Kawahara I, Kondoh M, Sho M, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Volume: 11
Pages: 2982-2994
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Disruption of dystonin in Schwann cells results in late-onset neuropathy and sensory ataxia.2020
Horie M, Yoshioka N, Kusumi S, Sano H, Kurose M, Watanabe-Iida I, Hossain I, Chiken S, Abe M, Yamamura K, Sakimura K, Nambu A, Shibata M, Takebayashi H.
Journal Title
Volume: 68
Pages: 2330-2344
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Dual targeting of DDX3 and eIF4A by the translation inhibitor rocaglamide A.2020
36. Chen M, Asanuma M, Takahashi M, Shichino Y, Mito M, Fujiwara K, Saito H, Floor SN, Ingolia NT, Sodeoka M, Dodo K, Ito T, and Iwasaki S
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Effect of proton pump inhibitors on colorectal cancer2020
Sasaki T, Mori S, Kishi S, Fujiwara-Tani R, Ohmori H, Nishiguchi Y, Kawahara I, Nakashima C, Fujii K, Luo Y, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 21
Issue: 11
Pages: E3877
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Establishment of bone marrow-derived M-CSF receptor-dependent self-renewing macrophages2020
H. Nasser, P. Adhikary, A. Abdel-Daim, O. Noyori, J. Panaampon, R. Kariya, S. Okada, W. Ma, M. Baba, H. Takizawa, M. Yamane, H. Niwa, S. Suzu
Journal Title
Cell death discovery
Volume: 6
Pages: 1-14
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Evaluation of cancer-derived myocardial impairments using a mouse model2020
Miyagawa Y, Nukaga S, Mori T, Fujiwara-Tani R, Fujii K, Mori S, Goto K, Kishi S, Sasaki T, Nakashima C, Ohmori H, Kawahara I, Luo Y, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Volume: 11
Pages: 3712-3722
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] FLCN alteration drives metabolic reprogramming towards nucleotide synthesis and cyst formation in salivary gland2020
Y. Isono, M. Furuya, T. Kuwahara, D. Sano, K. Suzuki, R. Jikuya, T. Mitome, S. Otake, M. Baba, LS Schmidt, WM Linehan, T. Kodama, M. Yao, N. Oridate, H. Hasumi
Journal Title
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Volume: 522
Pages: 931-938
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies GP2 gene risk variants for pancreatic cancer.2020
Yingsong, Lin., Doki, Y., Ishii, Hideshi, Eguchi, H., Mori, Masaki, Matsuo, K.
Journal Title
Nature Commun.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 3175
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Genome-wide survey of ribosome collision2020
Han P., Shichino Y., Schneider-Poetsch T., Mito M., Hashimoto S., Udagawa T., Kohno K., Yoshida M., Mishima Y., Inada T., and Iwasaki S.
Journal Title
Cell Rep.
Volume: 31
Issue: 5
Pages: 107610
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] GPR30-Expressing Gastric Chief Cells Do Not Dedifferentiate But Are Eliminated via PDK-Dependent Cell Competition During Development of Metaplasia2020
Hata, M., Kinoshita, H., Hayakawa, Y., (他12名), Kon, S., Tomita, H., Wang, T. C., Koike, K.
Journal Title
Volume: 158
Pages: 1650-1666
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Hereditary pancreatitis model by blastocyst complementation in mouse.2020
Asai, A., Konno M., Kawamoto K., Isotani, A., Mori, M., Eguchi H., Doki, Y., Arai, T., Ishii, H.
Journal Title
Volume: 11
Issue: 22
Pages: 2061-2073
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Impact of tissue macrophage proliferation on peripheral and systemic insul in resistance in obese mice with diabetes2020
Morita Y, Senokuchi T, Yamada S, Wada T, Furusho T, Matsumura T, Ishii N, Murakami-Nishida S, Nisida S, Motoshima H, Komohara Y, Yamagata K, Araki E
Journal Title
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
Volume: 8
Pages: e001578
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Impairment of spatial memory accuracy improved by Cbr1 copy number resumption and GABA B receptor-dependent enhancement of synaptic inhibition in Down syndrome model mice2020
Arima-Yoshida F, Raveau M, Shimohata A, Amano K, Fukushima A, Watanave M, Kobayashi S, Hattori S, Usui M, Sago H, Mataga N, Miyakawa T, Yamakawa K, Manabe T.
Journal Title
Scientific Report
Volume: 10
Pages: 14187
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Intravenous Edaravone plus Therapeutic Hypothermia Offers Limited Neuroprotection in the Hypoxic- Ischaemic Newborn Piglet2020
Yamato, S. H. Nakamura, S. Htun, Y. Nakamura, M. Jinnai, W. Nakao, Y. Mitsuie, T. Koyano, K...... Iwase, T. Kondo, S. I. Yasuda, S. Ueno, M. Miki, T. Kusaka, T.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Malic enzyme 1 is associated with tumor budding in oral squamous cell carcinomas.2020
Nakashima C, Kirita T, Yamamoto K, Mori S, Luo Y, Sasaki T, Fujii K, Ohmori H, Kawahara I, Mori T, Goto K, Kishi S, Fujiwara-Tani R, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 21
Issue: 19
Pages: 7149
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Maternal dietary imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids triggers the offspring's overeating in mice2020
Sakayori, N, Katakura, M, Hamazaki, K, Higuchi, O, Fujii, K, Fukabori, R, Iguchi, Y, Setogawa, S, Takao, K, Miyazawa, T, Arita, M, Kobayashi, K
Journal Title
Communications Biology
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: 473
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Meiotic cohesins mediate initial loading of HORMAD1 to the chromosomes and coordinate SC formation during meiotic prophase2020
Fujiwara Y., Horisawa-Takada Y., Inoue E., Tani N., Shibuya H., Fujimura S., Kariyazono R., Sakata T., Ohta K., Araki K., Okada Y., Ishiguro K.
Journal Title
PLOS Genetics
Volume: 16
Issue: 9
Pages: e1009048.
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Microtubule elongation along actin filaments induced by microtubule-associated protein 4 contributes to the formation of cellular protrusions.2020
Doki C, Nishida K, Saito S, Shiga M, Ogara H, Kuramoto A, Kuragano M, Nozumi M, Igarashi M, Nakagawa H, Kotani S, Tokuraku K.
Journal Title
J Biochem
Volume: 168
Issue: 3
Pages: 295-303
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Palmitoylated CKAP4 regulates mitochondrial functions through an interaction with VDAC2 at ER&[minus]mitochondria contact sites.2020
Harada, T., Sada, R., Osugi, Y., Matsumoto, S., Matsuda, T., Hayashi-Nishino, M., Nagai, T., Harada, A., Kikuchi, A.
Journal Title
J Cell Sci.
Volume: 133
Issue: 21
Pages: jcs249045
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Ribosomal protein S7 ubiquitination during ER stress in yeast is associated with selective mRNA translation and stress outcome2020
Matsuki Y, Matsuo Y, Nakano Y, Iwasaki S, Yoko H, Udagawa T, Li S, Saeki Y, Yoshihisa T, Tanaka K, Ingolia NT, and Inada T.
Journal Title
Sci Rep
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Pages: 19669.
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Role of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin on YAP activation in colonic sessile serrated adenoma/polyp with dysplasia2020
Fujiwara-Tani R, Fujii K, Mori S, Kishi S, Sasaki T, Ohmori H, Nakashima C, Kawahara I, NishiguchiY, Mori T, Sho M, Kondoh M, Luo Y, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 21
Issue: 11
Pages: E3840
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Role of nuclear claudin-4 in renal cell carcinoma.2020
Owari T, Takamitsu Sasaki T, Fujii K, Fujiwara-Tani R, Kishi S, Mori S, Mori T, Goto K, Kawahara I, .....Luo Y, Tanaka N, Kondoh M, Fujimoto K, Kuniyasu H
Journal Title
Int J Mol Sci
Volume: 21
Pages: 8340
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Seasonal changes in NRF2 antioxidant pathway regulates winter depression-like behavior2020
T Nakayama, K Okimura, J Shen, YJ Guh, 中略, K Nakayama, N Shiina, N Yamamoto, AS Loudon, T Nishiwaki-Ohkawa, A Shinomiya, T Nabeshima, Y Nakane and T Yoshimura
Journal Title
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
Volume: 117
Pages: 9594-9603
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Sexually dimorphic role of oxytocin in medaka mate choice2020
Yokoi S, Naruse K, Kamei Y, Ansai S, Kinoshita M, Mito M, Iwasaki S., Inoue S, Okuyama T, Nakagawa S, Young LJ, and Takeuchi H.
Journal Title
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.
Volume: 117
Issue: 9
Pages: 4802-4808
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Specific Neuroligin3-αNeurexinl signaling regulates GABAergic synaptic function in mouse hippocampus.2020
Uchigashima M, Konno K, Demchak E, Cheung A, Watanabe T, Keener D G, Abe M, Sakimura K, Sasaoka T, Uemura T, Imamura Karasawa Y, Watanabe M, Futai K.
Journal Title
Volume: 9
Pages: e59545
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Steroid metabolites for diagnosing and predicting clinicopathological features in cortisol-producing adrenocortical carcinoma.2020
Suzuki S, Minamidate T, Shiga A, Ruike Y, Ishiwata K, Naito K, Ishida A, Deguchi H, Fujimoto M, Koide H, Tatsuno I, Ikeda JI, Yamazaki Y, Sasano H, Yokote K.
Journal Title
BMC Endocr Disord.
Volume: 20
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Sustaining temporal attention prevents habit expression during operant learning in rats2020
Lin, Z, Nishikawa, H, Iguchi, Y, Iwanami, A, Kikuchi, M, Toda, S
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Pages: 10303
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] The antimalarial compound atovaquone inhibits Zika and dengue virus infection by blocking E protein-mediated membrane fusion.2020
Yamamoto, M., Ichinohe, T., Watanabe, A., Kobayashi, A., Zhang, R., Song, J., Kawaguchi, Y., Matsuda, Z. and Inoue, J.
Journal Title
Volume: 12
Pages: 1475
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin activates YAP in oral squamous cell carcinomas2020
Nakashima C, Yamamoto K, Kishi S, Sasaki T, Ohmori H, Fujiwara-Tani R, Mori S, Fujii K, Nishiguchi Y, Kondoh M, Tadaaki K, Kuniyasu H
79th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Cancer, Hiroshima, 2020.10.1-3
[Presentation] Effects of medium-chain fatty acids on cancer-derived myocardial atrophy2020
Nukaga S, Mori T, Luo Y, Kawahara I, Miyagawa Y, Goto K, Fujiwara-Tani R, Kishi S, Mori S, Ohmori H, Kuniyasu H
79th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Cancer, Hiroshima, 2020.10.1-3
[Presentation] Loss of astrocytic ABCA1 induces normal tension glaucoma2020
Shinozaki, Y., Namekata, K., Segawa, T., Ohno, N., Harada, T., Kashiwagi, K., Koizumi, S
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Novel molecular markers for axon growth and regeneration discovered from the growth cone-phosphoproteomes2020
Masayasu Okada, A. Kawasaki, A. Tamada, H. Kitaura, Y. Sato, M. Natsumeda, N. Kimura, N. Kaneko, K. Takeuchi, A. Kakita, Y. Fuji, M. Igarashi
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The creatine kinase is a metabolic vulnerability in Osteosarcoma.2020
Kishi S, Mori S, Fujiwara-Tani R, Hojo Y, Owar T, Mori T, Nukaga S, Kita M, Sasaki R, Honoki K, Kuniyasu H
79th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Cancer
[Presentation] グルタミン代謝のフェロトーシスを介した虚血腎障害時の役割2020
石渡一樹, 鈴木佐和子, 内藤久美子, 出口ハンナ, 類家裕太郎, 石田晶子, 藤本真徳, 田村愛, 志賀明菜, 小出尚史, 石川崇広, 前澤善朗, 田中知明, 横手幸太郎.
[Presentation] グルタミン代謝の破綻はフェロトーシス依存的に肝癌を増悪させる2020
鈴木佐和子, 石渡一樹, 内藤久美子, 出口ハンナ, 類家裕太郎, 石田晶子, 藤本真徳, 田村愛, 志賀明菜, 小出尚史, 田中知明, 横手幸太郎.