2017 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | National Institute of Genetics |
Principal Investigator |
小原 雄治 国立遺伝学研究所, 先端ゲノミクス推進センター, 特任教授
Project Period (FY) |
2016 – 2021
Keywords | 次世代DNAシーケンサー / 新規ゲノム配列決定 / リシーケンシング / エピゲノム / RNA-Seq / 1細胞解析 / メタゲノム解析 / スーパーコンピューター |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
①総括支援活動では、支援課題の公募を行い、領域外有識者による審査委員会により選考し、支援を行った。経費上限設定など多くの採択ができるように努めた結果、応募188件、採択93件(採択率49.5%)となった。支援の成果として2017年度に54報の論文発表がなされた。 ②大規模配列解析拠点ネットワーク支援活動においては、最先端技術を提供するためにそれらの整備や高度化を進めた。遺伝研拠点では染色体の端から端までの連続した配列完成を目指して、ロングリードシーケンサー(PacBio Sequel)、長鎖DNA試料調製技術、さらに1分子ゲノムマッピングシステム(Irysシステム)の最適化を進め、実際の試料に応用した。東大柏拠点では、1細胞解析技術を整備し支援に供するとともに、Nanopore MinIONを用いた一連の要素技術開発を進めた。九大拠点では微生物ゲノムのNGS解析最適化を進めた。札幌医大拠点ではLiquid Biopsyによる体細胞における低頻度変異検出技術開発を進めた。 ③高度情報解析支援ネットワーク活動では、支援から浮かび上がった課題を解決するソフトウェアの開発を進めた。支援で特に活用されたものは、真核2倍体用denovoハプロタイプアセンブラPlatanus2(東工大)、染色体大規模構造変異高精度検出アルゴリズムCOSMOS、変異解析結果の信頼性を評価するソフトウェアEAGLE(以上、産総研)、エクソン・イントロン境界におけるスプライソソーム結合頻度の解析パイプライン(東大)、であった。また、CLIP-seqデータの解析パイプライン、高速オルソログ同定プログラムSonicParanoid、ロングリード向けアラインメントツールminialign(以上、東大)は今後の活用が予想される。 高度化等の成果として48報の論文発表がなされた。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
・研究支援代表の下、研究支援分担者21名、連携研究支援者26名、総勢48名の班員が全国16の大学・研究機関(部局数は25)から参加して、支援及びそのための技術高度化を進めることができた。また、引き続き国立遺伝学研究所を中核機関とし、参加する班員が所属する主な機関を連携機関とする連携ネットワークを形成して、支援を進めた。 ・支援課題公募については、透明性を確保するために審査委員会は領域外有識者のみとし、領域からの技術的・経費的な情報提供を参考に支援課題を決定した。支援希望内容は各課題で拡大する傾向にあるが、経費上限を設定するなどしてできるだけ多く支援するように努め、本年度は採択率を約50%に引き上げることができた。科研費全種目から課題採択できているが、同程度の評価の場合は若手・少額科研費からの課題を優先するなどの措置をとった。支援技術分類は、新規ゲノム決定 : 18件、変異解析 : 25件、修飾解析 : 21件、RNA解析 : 40件、メタゲノム解析等 : 5件、超高感度解析 : 10件、情報解析のみ : 3件、合計122(採択1件あたり複数の技術支援がある)であり、引き続き多様な技術の提供ができた。 ・支援技術の高度化のための活動も大規模DNAシーケンシング支援、高度情報解析支援共に進めることができた。 ・初年度開催できなかった拡大班会議を開催し、支援依頼者の若手共同研究者の旅費援助をするなどして、支援側と依頼者の交流を深めることができた。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
・最先端の技術をより多く提供するために、支援技術の高度化を進めることが重要である。ゲノム解析は技術進展のスピードが特に速く、2-3年で解析手法が様変わりするために、新たなDNAシーケンシング技術の導入・開発、目的に沿った情報解析技術の開発と整備が中心になる。 ・支援課題の採択率は、現状は予算の制限から50%にとどまっており、より多い課題の支援が求められる。現状では、各支援課題の支援経費の上限を設けて、これを超す分は経費負担を求める形にすることで、ようやくこの採択率になっている。解析内容を精査する効果はあるが、一方でゲノム解析においては一定規模以上で支援しないと意味のある結果が出ないことも多く、若手をはじめ、経費面で敷居が高くなるケースもある。そのためにも技術高度化により、より効果的な解析技術の整備やコスト削減を図っていく必要がある。 ・大量データ解析の支援要望はますます増加していることから、解析パイプラインの整備とともに、情報解析講習会の開催を継続拡充する必要がある。
[Journal Article] Genomic landscape at a late stage of stickleback speciation : high genomic divergence interspersed by small localized regions of introgression.2018
Ravinet, M., Yoshida, K., Shigenobu, S., Toyoda, A., Fujiyama, A., and Kitano, J.
Journal Title
PLoS Genetics
Volume: 14
Issue: 5
Pages: e1007358
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Combined mutation of Apc, Kras and Tgfbr2 effectively drives metastasis of intestinal cancer.2018
Sakai E, Nakayama M, Oshima H, Kouyama Y, Niida A, Fujii S, Ochiai A, Nakayama KI, Mimori K, Suzuki Y, Hong CP, Ock CY, Kim SJ, and Oshima M.
Journal Title
Cancer Research
Volume: 78
Pages: 1334-1346
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Transcription factor IRF8 governs enhancer landscape dynamics in mononuclear phagocyte progenitors2018
Kurotaki D, Nakabayashi J, Nishiyama A, Sasaki H, Kawase W, Kaneko N, Ochiai K, Igarashi K, Ozato K, Suzuki Y, Tamura T
Journal Title
Cell Reports
Volume: 22
Pages: 2628-2641
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Anisogamy evolved with a reduced sex-determining region in volvocine green algae.2018
Hamaji, T., Kawai-Toyooka, H., Uchimura, H., Suzuki, M., Noguchi, H., Minakuchi, Y., Toyoda, A., Fujiyama, A., Miyagishima, S., Umen, J. G. And Nozaki, H.
Journal Title
Communications Biology
Volume: 1
Pages: 17
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Subtypes of the Type II Pit Pattern Reflect Distinct Molecular Subclasses in the Serrated Neoplastic Pathway.2018
Aoki H, Yamamoto E, Yamano HO, Sugai T, Kimura T, Tanaka Y, Matsushita HO, Yoshikawa K, 他10名, Kai M, Nojima M, Suzuki H, Nakase H
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Diminished nuclear RNA decay upon Salmonella infection upregulates antibacterial noncoding RNAs2018
Imamura K, Takaya A, Ishida Y, Fukuoka Y, Taya T, Nakaki R, Kakeda M, Imamachi N, Sato A, Yamada T, Onoguchi-Mizutani R, Akizuki G, Tanu T, Tao K, Miyao S, Suzuki Y, Nagahama M, Yamamoto T, Jensen TH, Akimitsu N.
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Mice with endogenous TDP-43 mutations exhibit gain of splicing function and characteristics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.2018
Fratta P, Sivakumar P, Humphrey J, Lo K, Ricketts T, Oliveira H, Brito JM, Kalmar B, Ule A, Yu Y, Gondo Y, 他18名, Buratti E, Plagnol V, Fisher EM, Acevedo A
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Increasing canopy photosynthesis in rice can be achieved without a large increase in water use-a model based on free-air CO2 enrichment2018
Ikawa, H., Chen, C. P., Sikma, M., Yoshimoto, M., Sakai, H., Tokida, T., Usui, Y., Nakamura, H., 他3名, Kuwagata, T., and Hasegawa, T.
Journal Title
Global Change Biology
Volume: 24
Pages: 1321-1341
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] A common variant of MAF/c-MAF, transcriptional factor gene in the kidney, is associated with gout susceptibility.2018
Higashino T, Matsuo H, Okada Y, Nakashima H, Shimizu S, Sakiyama M, Tadokoro S, Nakayama A, 他3名, Nakatochi M, Ooyama H, Imaki J, Shinomiya N.
Journal Title
Hum Cell
Volume: 31
Pages: 10-13
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Expansions of intronic TTTCA and TTTTA repeats in benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy2018
Ishiura H, Doi K, Mitsui J, Yoshimura J, Matsukawa MK, Fujiyama A, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, 他56名, Goto J, Morishita S, Tsuji S
Journal Title
Nature Genetics
Volume: 50
Pages: 581-590
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Dynamically and epigenetically coordinated GATA/ETS/SOX transcription factor expression is indispensable for endothelial cell differentiation.2018
Kanki Y, Nakaki R, Shimamura T, Matsunaga T, Yamamizu K, Katayama S, Suehiro JI, Osawa T, Aburatani H, Kodama T, Wada Y, Yamashita JK, Minami T.
Journal Title
Nucleic Acids Res.
Volume: 45
Pages: 4344-4358
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] DBTSS/DBKERO for integrated analysis of transcriptional regulation2018
Suzuki A, Kawano S, Mitsuyama T, Suyama M, Kanai Y, Shirahige K, Sasaki H, Tokunaga K, Tsuchihara K, Sugano S, Nakai K, Suzuki Y.
Journal Title
Nucleic Acids Research
Volume: 46
Issue: (D1)
Pages: D229-D238
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex controls Atg7-dependent cell death and heart function.2018
Yamaguchi T, Suzuki T ; Sato T, Takahashi A, Watanabe H, Kadowaki A, 他14名, Suzuki Y, Penninger JM, Yamamoto T, Imai Y, Kuba K.
Journal Title
Science Signaling
Volume: 11
Issue: 516
Pages: eaan3638
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Combinatory use of distinct single-cell RNA-seq analytical platforms reveals the heterogeneous transcriptome response.2018
Kashima Y, Suzuki A, Liu Y, Hosokawa M, Matsunaga H, Shirai M, Arikawa K, Sugano S, Kohno T, Takeyama H, Tsuchihara K, Suzuki Y.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 8
Pages: 3482
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Solar-panel and parasol strategies shape the proteorhodopsin distribution pattern in marine Flavobacteriia.2018
Kumagai Y, Yoshizawa S, Nakajima Y, Watanabe M, Fukunaga T, Ogura Y, Hayashi T, Oshima K, Hattori M, Ikeuchi M, Kogure K, DeLong EF, Iwasaki W
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Significance of measurement of serum trough level and anti-drug antibody of adalimumab as personalised pharmacokinetics in patients with Crohn's disease : a subanalysis of the DIAMOND trial.2017
Nakase H, Motoya S, Matsumoto T, Watanabe K, Hisamatsu T, Yoshimura N, Ishida T, Kato S, Nakagawa T, Esaki M, Nagahori M, 他7名 ; DIAMOND study group.
Journal Title
Aliment Pharmacol Ther.
Volume: 46
Pages: 873-882
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] GWAS of clinically defined gout and subtypes identifies multiple susceptibility loci that include urate transporter genes.2017
Nakayama A, Nakaoka H, Yamamoto K, 他35名,Inoue I, Kubo M, Ooyama H, Shimizu T, Ichida K, Shinomiya N, Merriman TR, Matsuo H ; Eurogout Consortium.
Journal Title
Ann Rheum Dis
Volume: 76
Pages: 869-877
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Insights into land plant evolution garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha genome2017
Bowman JL, Kohchi T, Yamato KT, Jenkins J, Shu S, Ishizaki K, Yamaoka S, Nishihama R, Nakamura Y, Fujiyama A, Kohara Y, Sugano S, Suzuki Y, 他99名, Schmutz J.
Journal Title
Volume: 171
Pages: 287-304
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Light controls protein localization through phytochrome-mediated alternative promoter selection.2017
Ushijima T, Hanada K, Gotoh E, Yamori W, Kodama Y, Tanaka H, Kusano M, Fukushima A, Tokizawa M, Yamamoto YY, Tada Y, Suzuki Y, and Matsushita T
Journal Title
Volume: 171
Pages: 1316-1325
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Regnase-1 Maintains Iron Homeostasis via the Degradation of Transferrin Receptor 1 and Prolyl-Hydroxylase-Domain-Containing Protein 3 mRNAs.2017
Yoshinaga, M., Nakatsuka, Y., Vandenbon, A., Ori, D., Uehata, T., Tsujimura, T., Suzuki, Y., Mino, T., Takeuchi, O.
Journal Title
Cell Reports
Volume: 19
Issue: 8
Pages: 1614-1630
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] DNA methylome analysis identifies transcription factor-based epigenomic signatures of multilineage competence in neural stem/progenitor cells.2017
Sanosaka T, Imamura T, Hamazaki N, Chai M, Igarashi K, Ideta-Otsuka M, Miura F, Ito T, Fujii N, Ikeo K, Nakashima K.
Journal Title
Cell Reports
Volume: 20
Pages: 2992
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Locus-specific ChIP combined with NGS analysis reveals genomic regulatory regions that physically interact with the Pax5 promoter in a chicken B cell line.2017
Fujita, T., Kitaura, F., Yuno, M., Suzuki, Y., Sugano, S., and Fujii, H.
Journal Title
DNA Research
Volume: 24
Pages: 537-548
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] F4/80+ macrophages contribute to clearance of senescent cells in the mouse postpartum uterus.2017
Egashira M, Hirota Y, Shimizu-Hirota R, Saito-Fujita T, Haraguchi H, Matsumoto L, Matsuo M, Hiraoka T, Tanaka T, 他3名, Maeda KI, Fujii T, Osuga Y
Journal Title
Volume: 158
Pages: 2344-2353
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Different contributions of local- and distant-regulatory changes to transcriptome divergence between stickleback ecotypes.2017
Ishikawa, A., Kusakabe, M., Ravinet, M., Yoshida, K., Makino, T., Toyoda, A. Fujiyama, A., and Kitano, J.
Journal Title
Volume: 71
Pages: 565-581
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Multiple independent changes in mitochondrial genome conformation in chlamydomonadalean algae.2017
Hamaji, T., Kawai-Toyooka, H., Toyoda, A., Minakuchi, Y., Suzuki, M., Fujiyama, A., Nozaki, H. and Smith, D. R.
Journal Title
Genome Biology and Evolution
Volume: 9
Pages: 993-999
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Evaluation of a novel fluorescent nanobeacon for targeted imaging of Thomsen-Friedenreich associated colorectal cancer.2017
Nakase H, Sakuma S, Fukuchi T, Yoshino T, Mohri K, Miyata K, Kumagai H, Hiwatari KI, Tsubaki K, Ihejima T, Tobita E, 他2名, Washington K, Gore JC, Pham W.
Journal Title
Int J Nanomedicine.
Volume: 12
Pages: 1747-1755
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Population structure of Escherichia coli 026 : HII with recent and repeated stx2 acquisition in multiple lineages2017
Ogura Y, Gotoh Y, Itoh T, Sato MP, Seto K, Yoshino S, Isobe J, 他9名, Kato Y, Shirahige K, Ooka T, Ishijima N, Lee KI, Iyoda S, Mainil JG, Hayashi T
Journal Title
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Long-term expansion of alveolar stem cells derived from human iPS cells by forming organoids.2017
Yamamoto Y, Gotoh S, Korogi Y, Seki M, Konishi S, Ikeo S, Sone N, Nagasaki T, Matsumoto H, Muro S, Hirai T, Ito I, Kohno T, Suzuki Y, Mishima M.
Journal Title
Nat Methods.
Volume: 14
Issue: 11
Pages: 1097-1106
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Centromere evolution and CpG methylation during vertebrate speciation2017
Ichikawa K, Tomioka S, Suzuki Y, Nakamura R, Doi K, Yoshimura J, Kumagai M, Inoue Y, Uchida Y, Irie N, Takeda H, Morishita S.
Journal Title
Nature Communications
Volume: 8
Pages: 1833
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Epigenetic silencing of SMOCI in traditional serrated adenoma and colorectal cancer.2017
Aoki H, Yamamoto E, Takasawa A, Niinuma T, Yamano HO, Harada T, Matsushita HO, Yoshikawa K, Takagi R, 他7名, Kai M, Sawada N, Sugai T, Nakase H, Suzuki H.
Journal Title
Volume: 9
Pages: 4707-4721
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Profiling cancer-related gene mutations in oral squamous cell carcinoma from Japanese patients by targeted amplicon sequencing.2017
Nakagaki T, Tamura M, Kobashi K, Kobashi K, Koyama R, Fukushima H, Ohashi T, Idogawa M, Ogi K, Hiratsuka H, Tokino T, Sasaki Y.
Journal Title
Volume: 8
Pages: 59113-59122
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] RNA-sequencing-based transcriptome and biochemical analyses of steroidal saponin pathway in a completeset of Allium fistulosum-A. cepa monosomic addition lines2017
Abdelrahman M, El-Sayed M, Sato S, Hirakawa H, Ito SI, Tanaka K, Mine Y, Sugiyama N, Suzuki Y, Yamauchi N, Shigyo M.
Journal Title
PLoS One
Volume: 12
Issue: 8
Pages: e0181784
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Assessment of the quality of DNA from various formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues and the use of this DNA for next-generation sequencing (NGS) with no artifactual mutation.2017
Einaga N, Yoshida A, Noda H, Suemitsu M, Nakayama Y, Sakurada A, Kawaji Y, Yamaguchi H, Sasaki Y, Tokino T, Esumi M.
Journal Title
PLoS One
Volume: 12
Pages: e0176280
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Inter-species hormonal control of host root morphology by parasitic plants2017
Spallek, T., Melnyk, C. W., Wakatake, T., Zhang, J., Sakamoto, Y., Kiba, T., Yoshida, S., Matsunaga, S., Sakakibara, H., Shirasu, K.
Journal Title
Volume: 114
Pages: 5283-5288
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Multiple common and rare variants of ABCG2 cause gout.2017
Higashino T, Takada T, Nakaoka H, Toyoda Y, Stiburkova B, Miyata H, Ikebuchi Y, Nakashima H, Shimizu S, 他15名, Inoue I, Merriman TR, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
Journal Title
RMD Open
Volume: 3
Pages: e000464
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Genomic structure and evolution of the mating type locus in the green seaweed Ulva partita.2017
Yamazaki T, Ichihara K, Suzuki R, Oshima K, Miyamura S, Kuwano K, Toyoda A, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Hattori M, Kawano S.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 11679
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] CRISPR/Cas9-based knockouts reveal that CpRLP1 is a negative regulator of the sex pheromone PR-IP in the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex2017
Kanda, N., Ichikawa, M., Ono, A., Toyoda, A., Fujiyama, A., Abe, J., Tsuchikane, Y., Nishiyama, T., Sekimoto, H.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 7
Pages: 17873
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Serotyping dengue virus with isothermal amplification and a portable sequencer.2017
Yamagishi J, Runtuwene LR, Hayashida K, Mongan AE, Thi LAN, Thuy LN, Nhat CN, Limkittikul K, 他2名, Frith M, Makalowski W, Eshita Y, Sugano S, Suzuki Y.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 7
Pages: 3510
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Independent effects of ADH1B and ALDH2 common dysfunctional variants on gout risk.2017
Sakiyama M, Matsuo H, Akashi A, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Kawaguchi M, 他3名, Nakashima H, Sakurai Y, Ichida K, Shimizu T, Ooyama H, Shinomiya N.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 7
Pages: 2500
Open Access
[Journal Article] Regnase-1 and Roquin Nonredundantly Regulate Thl Differentiation Cansing Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis.2017
Cui, X., Mino, T., Yoshinaga, M., Nakatsuka, Y., Hia, F., Yamasoba, D., Tsujimura, T., Tomonaga, K., Suzuki, Y., Uehata, T., Takeuchi, O.
Journal Title
The Journal of Immunology
Volume: 199
Issue: 12
Pages: 4066-4077
Peer Reviewed
[Presentation] Studies on skeletal muscle atrophy in space - what zebrafish experienced in a space tour.2018
Fuminori Sato, Choi Minyong, Zi Wang, Quan Wu, Ikumi Fujita, Misato Iwase, Satoko Uchida, Toru Sakimura, Yasushi Kono, Masaki Shirakawa, Fumiaki Tanigaki, Masahiro Chatani, Akira Kudo, Akihisa Takahashi, Junya Kobayashi, Kiyomi Imamura, Terumi Horiuchi, Satoshi Furukawa, Tadashi Muratani, Sumio Sugano, Yutaka Suzuki, Fumio Matsuzaki, Koichi Kawakami, and Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa.
CDB Symposium
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] CpMinusl, mt-genome specific gene of heterothallic Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex, is involved in the sex determination2017
Tsuyuki, N., Komiya, A., Kanda, N., Tsuchikane, Y., Nishiyama, T., Sekimoto, H.
11th International Phycological Congress
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] CRISPR/CAS9-induced knockout in unicellular zygnematophycean alg, Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex2017
Kanda, N., Tsuyuki, N., Kon, S., Nishiyama, T., Tsuchikane, Y., Sekimoto, H.
11th International Phycological Congress
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Functional analyses of sex specific receptor-like proteins in Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex, using CRISPR/CAS9 system2017
Sekimoto, H., Kanda, N., Kon, S., Nishiyama, T., Tsuchikane, Y.
11th International Phycological Congress
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Identification of a novel HIV-1 restriction factor which selectively degrades viral transcripts.2017
Yamasoba, D., Sato, K., Uehata, T., Mino, T., Koyanagi, Y., Takeuchi, O.
18th Kumamoto AIDS seminar.
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Rs671, a common variant of ALDH2, could play a protective role in the onset of gout.2017
Mako Komatsu, Hirotaka Matsuo, Masayuki Sakiyama, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Sayo Kawai, Rieko Okada, Yuki Tanahashi, Hiroshi Ooyama, Seiko Shimizu, Nariyoshi Shinomiya
21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Genome-wide association study of clinically defined gout and subtypes identifies multiple susceptibility loci including transporter genes.2017
Hirotaka Matsuo, Nakayama Akiyoshi, Hirofumi Nakaoka, Ken Yamamoto, Masayuki Sakiyama, Amara Shaukat, Yu Toyoda, Yukinori Okada, Yoichiro Kamatani, Masahiro Nakatochi, Takahiro Nakamura, Tappei Takada, Katsuhisa Inoue, Hiroshi Nakashima, Seiko Shimizu, Kawaguchi Makoto, Asahi Hishida, Kenji Wakai, Blanka Stiburkova, Lisa K. Stamp, Nicola Dalbeth, Tatsuo Hosoya, Ituro Inoue, Atsushi Takahashi, Michiaki Kubo, Hiroshi Ooyama, Toru Shimizu, Kimiyoshi Ichida, Tony R. Merriman, Nariyoshi Shinomiya
67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] enomic Consequences of the Indo-Pacific Vicariance in Coral Reef benthic organisms2017
Nina Yasuda, Yukihiro Higashimura, Coralie Taquet, Satoshi Nagai, Handoko Adi Susanto, Miguel Fortes, Suharsono, Niphon Phongsuwan, Kazuo Nadaoka, Yoshihisa Suyama, Chika Mitsuyuki, Hideaki Yuasa, Catherine Vogler, GertWorhide,
European Coral Reef Symposium
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Roles of Arc/arg3.1 on surface expression dynamics of AMPA receptors during structural plasticity and on cognitive refinement processes.2017
Okuno H, Ishii Y, Endo T, Uehara M, Suzuki Y, Minatohara K, Araki A, Abe M, Imayoshi I, Kakeyama M, Sakimura K, Bito H.
Society for Neuroscience
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Pulmonary Regnase-1 functions as a posttranscriptional switch in anti-bacterial immunity.2017
Nakatsuka, Y., Mino, T., Yoshinaga, M., Uehata, T., Sato, A., Handa, T., Chin, K., Hirai, T., Takeuchi, O.
The 5th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] CpMinusl, mating-type minus genome specific gene of Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex, promotes mt- phenotype2017
Tsuyuki, N., Komiya, A., Kanda, N., Tsuchikane, Y., Nishiyama, T., Sekimoto, H.
The 65th NIBB Conference Marchantia Workshop 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Biology of a picoeukaryotic phytoplankton, Parmales(Bolidophyceae), a sister group of diatoms2017
桑田 晃, 一宮睦雄, 吉川伸哉, 山田和正, 河地正伸, Mary-Hélène Noël, 斉藤 憲治, 中村 洋路, 沢田健, Adriana Lopes dos Santos, Daniel Vaulot
The IVth International Conference "Molecular Life of Diatoms"
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Examining genetic divergence of closely related Crown-of-Thorns starfish species between Indian and Pacific Ocean using whole genome data.2017
Hideaki Yuasa, Rei Kajitani, Kazuki Takahashi, Dai Yoshimura, Takehiko Itoh, Yoshitoshi Ogura, Tetuya Hayashi, Zac Forsman, Nalinee Thongtham, Niphon Phongsuwan, Coralie Taquet, Marc Taquet, Nina Yasuda
The Third Asia Marine Biology Symposium
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Evaluation of the utilization of blood collection tubes for cell-free DNA research2017
Fumitaka Endo, Takeshi Iwaya, Takehiro Chiba, Mizunori Yaegashi, Kei Sato, Kohei Kume, Atsuhiro Arisue, Yutaka Nishinari, Ryoko Kawagishi, Takenori Segawa, Satoshi Nishizuka, Akira Sasaki.
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Studies on skeletal muscle regeneration and atrophy? What zebrafish experienced in a space tour.2017
Fuminori Sato, Choi Minyong, Zi Wang, Quan Wu, Ikumi Fujita, Misato Iwase, Satoko Uchida, Toru Sakimura, Yasushi Kono, Masaki Shirakawa, Fumiaki Tanigaki, Masahiro Chatani, Akira Kudo, Akihisa Takahashi, Junya Kobayashi, Kiyomi Imamura, Terumi Horiuchi, Satoshi Furukawa, Tadashi Muratani, Sumio Sugano, Yutaka Suzuki, Fumio Matsuzaki, Koichi Kawakami, and Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Identification of a novel HIV-1 restriction factor which selectively degrades viral transcripts.2017
Yamasoba, D., Sato, K., Uehata, T., Mino, T., Koyanagi, Y., Takeuchi, O
2017 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Immunology.
[Presentation] Interactions between Regnase-1 and Roquin Regulate Helper T Cell Polarization.2017
Cui, X., Mino, T., Yoshinaga, M., Uehata, T., Nakatsuka, Y., Takeuchi, O.
2017 Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Immunology.
[Presentation] Identification of an interferon inducible RNA binding protein as a restriction factor of HIV-1.2017
Yamasoba, D., Sato, K., Uehata, T., Mino, T., Koyanagi, Y., Takeuchi, O.
The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology
[Presentation] 日本産野生マウス由来近交系MSM/Msにおける自然突然変異の検出2017
福村龍太郎, 中井祐治, 金相完, 森一樹, 門田雅世, 目加田和之, 田代康介, 久原哲, 吉木淳, 豊田敦, 藤山秋佐夫, 権藤洋
[Presentation] Uterine extracellular matrix is a useful material for normai uterine regeneration in a mouse model od decellularized matrix2017
Takehisa C, Hirota Y, Hiraoka T, Fujita T, Haraguchi H, Matsumoto L, Matsuo M, Akaeda S, Tanaka T, Osuga Y, Fujii T.
[Presentation] トランスポゾン関連ドメインをもつ新規遺伝子サイレンシング因子の同定2017
Ikeda, Y., Pélissier, T., Bourguet, P., Becker, C., Pouch-Pélissier, M. N., Pogorelcnik, R., Weingartner, M., Weigel, D., Deragon, J. M. and Mathieu, O.